• Dr. med. Daniel Ekhart

    Director of the Medical Center Frankfurt Sachsenhausen

    Dr. Daniel Ekhart
    Dr. Daniel Ekhart , Internist, Frankfurt am Main
  • „Salve“ and „salus" ...

    You’re welcome with your requests about health

    Salve Mosaik Praxiseingang
  • Familiar atmosphere

    A doctor’s visit is a matter of trust. We attach great importance to the fact that our patients also experience the practice rooms as familiar and familiar.

    Praxis Behandlungszimmer Lampe
  • A fast, demanding work environment. Take care of your health

    We support you:
    • Basic health check in our practice (about 2 h)
    • Extended, internal cardiovascular check-up possible
    • Report in German or English
    • If desired, reminder of the next appointment by e-mail / post

    Schauspiel Frankfurt Blick Skyline
  • "Doctor visit with added value!"

    “I found Dr. Leo Najman (ret.) after a long search.
    My good feeling did not deceive me … ”
    Public figures, singers,
    Artists and entertainers were already
    our patients.

    Dr. med. Leo Najman
  • General practitioners and specialists in Frankfurt

    “Come in case of illness without appointment in the practice”

    Dr. med. Leo Najman im Wartezimmer

Opening times

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 6 pm | Wednesday and Friday 8 am – 1 pm

All health insurance – private and legal – accepted

In our medical practice we accept all health insurances

Medical services for all ages

We offer medical and specialist advice, care and treatment for adults and children.

Various specialists in Sachsenhausen under one roof

You will find: Internistic practice | General medical practice | Cardiological practice | Gynecological practice

Dear patients,

Trust in our many years of experience in general medicine and internal medicine (internists). Our Medical Center is centrally located in Frankfurt Sachsenhausen. At Schweizer Straße 5 (next to Museumsufer) you will find general medicine, cardiology, internal medicine (internist) and gynecology. Short ways, fast appointments. In case of illness, please call: 069 61 99 52 90

Monday 8 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 6 pm
Tuesday 8 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 6 pm
Wednesday 8 am – 1 pm
Thursday 8 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 6 pm
Friday 8 am – 1 pm

  • Write E-Mail

    Privacy Notice: A doctor’s visit is a matter of trust. We adhere to the privacy policy. Please do not send any sensitive health information via e-mail or on the telephone. Please discuss your concerns personally with the doctors and us in private. To our privacy policy.

General Practitioner
Medical Check-Up
Internal Medicine
Cardiovascular disease
Diagnostics and laboratory

Your general practitioner and specialist in Frankfurt Sachsenhausen

We treat acute as well as chronic illnesses in the Haus und Facharzt-Zentrum Frankfurt Sachsenhausen and help you to maintain your health in the long term. Modern medical procedures are complemented by proven methods from natural medicine – including acupuncture. Thanks to the interdisciplinary cooperation between the family practice and other specialists in the specialist center and in the vicinity you will find comprehensive medical care with us and about us. Our family practice receives legally and privately insured patients.

Doctor and team – close cooperation with the patients

Team Arztpraxis Schweizer Straße 5 im Wartezimmer

Team Arztpraxis Schweizer Straße 5 im Wartezimmer

Health is far more than the absence of disease.
Health is always personal and therefore individually described and experienced. While one person with his obligatory two colds a year describes himself as predominantly robust and healthy, another person perceives body and soul differently, is alert even with soft signs of possible illnesses.
We know how much the health experience depends on the respective life situation and age. Therefore, we are there for each patient in a very personal way: personally by the way our practice is designed, by our practice team and us medical professionals.

Short ways – early health

At the Haus und Facharztzentrum Frankfurt Sachsenhausen, patients value the short distances and the fast scheduling. We make every effort to provide you with all the diagnostic and therapeutic services you can possibly need in one day, on a single appointment, and in the most comfortable way possible:
Employee-friendly practice times
We are there for our patients early in the morning. Come in case of illness without appointment in the office. We will do our best to keep your waiting time as short as possible

Internal Medicine

Our internists are there for you with the necessary medical check-ups and treatments.


Have your health checked at regular intervals. Provision pays off.


Gynecologist Dr. Andre-Robert Rotmann

General medical care

Benefit – legally or privately insured – our comprehensive general medical offer. Vaccinations, checkups and, of course, the treatment of colds, allergies.

Centrally located – opposite the banks, at the top of Schweizer Straße

Our medical center can be reached comfortably from anywhere. From the Frankfurt Hauptwache, from the central station, from Schweizer Platz. With something

General medicine, internal medicine, cardiology and gynecology in Frankfurt since 1992

Welcome to the Haus- und Facharztzentrum Frankfurt, Schweizer Straße 5. Here primary care and specialist services are united under one roof. Even shorter the ways in case of illness and at the check-up can hardly be.
If you have an appointment outside our house, for example If you need an ENT specialist, urologist, radiologist, surgeon or endocrinologist, we can help you make an appointment. We are well networked with other specialists in Frankfurt Sachsenhausen and beyond all over Frankfurt. Take advantage of this proximity for your health.

Eingang zum Ärztehaus

Entrance Schweizer Straße 5, Frankfurt Sachsenhausen

Wartezimmer Haus- und Facharzt-Zentrum

Waiting Room Haus- und Facharzt-Zentrum

Do you need a doctor prescription?

Tell us your request.

A repeating doctor prescription, eg. for a medication that has been permanently prescribed for hypertension, you can order online here. You can pick it up on the following working day at the office opening hours without appointment. Please bring your insurance card with you when you come to us for the first time in a quarter.

Important: If you are looking for a doctor in Frankfurt and / or have not yet been with us as a patient, please make an appointment first, so that we can prescribe the appropriate medication or medical treatment for you.



Privatrezept Muster Arztrezept

Privatrezept vom Arzt

Medical support for Businesses: our medical service for companies

You run a company in Frankfurt and are looking for a comprehensive company support?

We offer companies to carry out regular medical check-ups for their employees – in the interests of stable corporate health.
Please contact us if you would like a concept for the medical support of your employees.